Generations In Modern-Day Babel Tower

Another observation of note is that not all young people have fresh ideas and not all old people have stale ones. Sometimes you find our youngest with the dullest dreams while some octogenarians continue to have fresh aspirations. How is that possible you ask? I say it’s the effect of decades of brainwashing and consistent societal propaganda machines that some are actively oiling at every chance, while others are happily embracing without any skepticism.
The more I spend time in the Middle East, the more I am reminded of four different categories of people. They are not much different from people I have come across over the years around the world from North America to Europe, Africa and Asia in the way one group cannot see eye to eye with the other.
One group wants to change the world and feels energized and empowered to do so. Its members are against the establishment and they want all its traces out so they can start leaving their own imprint on life and its symbols. These are mainly young people, tech-savvy, very talented and on top of their various fields, arts and crafts. They are not intimidated by competition or fearful of obstacles. They consider themselves to be masters of their own destiny and they long for the chance to win in a highly competitive world. They are always ready to fight head on.
Another group is made up of those who feed off of their old glories and are afraid to change lest they lose, the little or much, they have achieved over the years. They are protective of the status quo and very hesitant to allow any change. They usually belong to older generations that had accepted things as they were passed on to them and made the best out of their situations. They have succeeded in the process and feel a comfortable sense of gain and satisfaction.
Then you have the pessimists who have inherited ideologies and a decayed belief system that is ingrained in them. They are not willing to let go of their antiquated beliefs for anything. This category is made up of stubborn younger people who accepted the myth that nothing will ever change; that they are victims of outside influences, that they are incapable of change not because of their unwillingness to change but because there is a known “enemy” and a clear “conspiracy” against them. Those are convinced that any attempt at progress will be “thwarted” by the “evil doers.” They are, therefore, not interested in making any effort except to oppose every idea and every proposal to move ahead.
Finally you have the most dangerous of all categories: It is made up of those who cannot stand to see people gathered in agreement around a goal, unified in their attempt to move forward towards a better future. These will do anything to de-rail and scatter, even shatter the forward or upward plans along with anyone who advocates them. If given a free hand, this group will scatter the masses away from their goal of adding brick and mortar towards effective communication and throw them into complete disarray. They will do everything in their power to circumvent the initial dream of the Tower of Babel and make permanent the condition of confusion in a modern-day Tower of Babble instead.
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I suppose it all boils down to how open minded one and receptive to new ideas one is. In a highly connected environment where ideas flow on a global scale and are debated, discussed and modified in real time by people from differing backgrounds and culture.It is sad to see people who still think within narrow limits and consider themselves the guardians of the ultimate truth or young technically savy people who cannot think of the power of connectivity beyond the ability to play games online. Social media and smart phones have empowered people and bypassed establishments who otherwise would have kept us all in the dark ages. It is incumbent upon each one of us to determine the extent of our involvement and how can we make a difference.
Excellent read.
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