Editor's Note: If you believe that Muslim fundamentalism and its ensuing terrorism pose serious threats to the world, you will begin to have more answers about what is happening in Egypt than questions and frustrations.
Cairo, home of Islam’s most renowned mosque and authoritative university, Al-Azhar, is also home to the Muslim Brotherhood which gave the world the chief al-Qaeda man Ayman al-Zawahiri and his likes. The same Muslim Brotherhood that was outlawed because of its fundamentalist ideology, bloody history and murderous plots against any individual or entire people who didn’t fit its doctrine. That same Brotherhood came to power democratically last year (only because of years of organized underground activism and a sizeable number of followers who do exactly as they’re told).
We owe it to Egypt not to see things as only black and white, good and bad or life and death. What makes us unique is our diversity and the critical mind that makes us skeptics, able to doubt and reviewing our position, maybe even change our mind and accept that “the other” might be right while we're wrong in finding our way to the truth.
The new Egypt did not repress the Brotherhood, quite the contrary, in the spirit of newfound freedom and inclusivity, Egypt embraced them and gave them a chance to prove how worthy they are of ruling a country and representing a nation as large, as diverse and as excited about its fresh revolution as Egypt was after toppling Hosni Mubarak.
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